18 October 2024
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Leaders Letter to American University Students with a Conscience:


In a letter to American students supporting the Palestinian people Ayatollah Imam Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said You are now standing on the right side of history.

The beginning of this letter of support says, "You are now part of the Resistance Front, and you have begun a dignified struggle under the ruthless police pressure of your government that evidently defends the oppressive and brutal Zionist regime."

Referring to the reasons and factors behind the formation of the great Resistance Front and its struggle against the occupying Zionist regime, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said in the letter, "From the very beginning, the Zionist regime carried out an iron fist policy against the defenceless people of Palestine. They disregard all moral, human, and religious values and, day by day, escalate their ruthlessness, terrorism, and oppression. The US government and its accomplices did not even lift a finger against this state terrorism and ongoing injustice."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Resistance Front emerged from this dark and despondent atmosphere, and the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran expanded and empowered them. He asked, "Can a nation defending itself against the crimes of Zionist occupiers in its own land be considered terrorist? And should giving humanitarian aid to this nation and strengthening its arms be considered as support for terrorism?"
Addressing the young Americans supporting Palestine, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution told them, "I want to assure you that today, the situation is changing. Another fate awaits the sensitive region of West Asia. Many consciences have awakened on a global scale, and the truth is becoming clear. The Resistance Front has also grown stronger and will continue to strengthen while history is also turning a new page."

Ayatollah Khamenei spoke about protests in support of the Palestinian people in other countries, as well as the support and solidarity of university professors with their students and mentioned the police crackdown, saying, "I empathise with you, young people, and I respect your steadfastness."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution concluded his letter by recommending that Muslims become familiar with the Quran, saying, "For us Muslims and for all people of the world, the lesson of the Quran is perseverance in the path of truth. Regarding human relations, the lesson of the Quran is that we should neither commit nor submit to oppression. By comprehensively adhering to and acting upon these commandments and hundreds of similar cases, the Resistance Front will advance and will achieve victory, God willing."

The text of the letter from Ayatollah Khamenei is as follows:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
I am writing this letter to the youth whose awakened consciences have moved them to defend the oppressed children and women of Gaza.
Dear young students in the United States of America, this is our message of empathy and solidarity with you. You are now on the right side of history, turning a new page.
You have now become part of the Resistance Front and have begun a dignified struggle under the ruthless pressure of your government, which clearly defends the oppressive and merciless Zionist regime. You have begun a dignified struggle.
For years, the great Resistance Front has been fighting afar with the same consciousness and sentiments that you possess today.
The aim of this struggle is to halt the barefaced oppression perpetrated by a ruthless terrorist network known as the Zionists. They have, for years, inflicted the harshest pressures and tortures upon the Palestinian people after seizing their country. The genocide perpetrated by the Zionist apartheid regime today is a continuation of decades of the most heinous oppressive behaviour.
Palestine is an independent country with a diverse population of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, and it has a very long history. After World War II, Zionist capitalists, with the support of the British government, gradually brought thousands of terrorists into the country; they invaded its cities and villages, killed or expelled tens of thousands of people to neighbouring countries, seized their homes, markets, and farms, and established a state called Israel on the occupied land of Palestine.
After this initial British assistance, the United States government has been the greatest supporter of this usurping regime. The United States has continuously provided political, economic, and military support to this regime to the extent that, with unforgivable recklessness, it has paved and aided the path for Israel to produce nuclear weapons.
From the very beginning, disregarding all moral, human, and religious values, the Zionist regime has adopted an iron fist policy against the defenceless people of Palestine. Since then, day by day, it has been escalating its brutality, terrorism, and oppression.
The US government and its accomplices have not even lifted a finger against this state-terrorism and ongoing oppression. Today, some of the statements made by the United States government regarding the horrific crimes in Gaza are just disingenuity.
The "resistance front" emerged from this dark and despairing atmosphere, and the formation of the Islamic Republic in Iran expanded and empowered it.
The leaders of international Zionism, who own the majority of media outlets in the US and Europe and those who are under their financial influence and bribery, have labelled this human and courageous resistance as terrorism! Can a nation defending itself against the crimes of Zionist occupiers in its own land be considered terrorist? And can giving humanitarian aid to this nation and strengthening its arms be considered as support for terrorism?
These ruthless global hegemonic leaders do not even show mercy towards human values. They pretend that the terrorist and merciless Israeli regime is defending itself, and they label the Palestinian resistance, which defends its freedom, security, and right to self-determination, as "terrorism"!
I want to assure you that today, the situation is changing. Another destiny awaits the sensitive West Asia region. Many consciences have awakened on a global scale, and the truth is becoming more apparent. The resistance front has also become stronger and will continue to grow stronger. History is also turning a new page.
Along with you, students from dozens of universities in the United States, other universities, and people from other countries have also taken a stand. The support and solidarity of university professors standing with their students is very significant and carries much weight; it can be reassuring when facing the severity of government-directed police attacks. I also empathise with you, young people and highly respect your steadfastness.
The Quran's lesson for Muslims and all people of the world is to stand firm in the path of truth: فَاستَقِم کَما اُمِرت؛(1) "So remain steadfast as you have been commanded." The Quran's lesson regarding human relations is: لا تَظلِمونَ وَ لا تُظلَمون (2) "Do not oppress others, nor be oppressed."
By comprehensively adhering to and acting upon these commandments and hundreds of similar cases, the Resistance Front will advance and will achieve victory. God willing.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
May 25, 2024

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