18 October 2024
2024/07/25 - 16:05 View: 207

Belgian students laud Ayatollah Khamenei’s ‘unwavering commitment’ to Palestinian cause

Belgian students have responded to a letter from the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei thanking him for his unwavering support for the Palestinian cause as well as the oppressed worldwide.

In their letter to Ayatollah Khamenei, the Belgian youth conveyed their heartfelt thanks for his recent message endorsing the demonstrations in solidarity with the people of Gaza taking place at universities in the United States and Europe. They stated, “We are profoundly moved by your impassioned plea for justice, for the relentless pursuit of truth, as well as your unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause and the oppressed across the globe.”

American and European students calling for divestment from the Israeli regime in their universities have been met with heavy crackdowns and long-term consequences like suspension and expulsion. Administrators and authorities in the West have labeled the students advocating for human rights with derogatory terms and accused them of antisemitism despite the presence of large crowds of Jewish students in the protests. Few schools have held negotiations with the students and agreed to cut ties with Israeli institutions. Students say educational centers should not engage with entities that are in support of Israel’s genocidal war in the besieged Gaza Strip.

The complete text of their letter is as follows:

Dear Leader,

We express our deep gratitude to you for your letter full of wisdom and reflection. Your words resonated deep within us, the youth of Europe and North America, and we applaud your valiance in addressing these pivotal matters with candor and conviction.

Your enlightened analysis of the perception of Islam in our societies has served as a beacon of enlightenment. You have illuminated the imperative for us to embark on a personal exploration of this faith, emancipating ourselves from the shackles of prejudice and the distortions propagated by the media.

We are profoundly moved by your impassioned plea for justice, for the relentless pursuit of truth, as well as your unwavering commitment to the Palestinian cause and the oppressed across the globe. Your recent resolute rebuttal to the criminal aggression by Israel and the ongoing genocide unfolding in Gaza stands as an admirable example of courage and determination.

We also observe daily pro-Palestinian protests across the world. These days, the movement of European and American students to support Palestine is gaining momentum, and several campuses are involved in the United States and Europe. This testifies to the new awareness of Western youth in the face of all these injustices in the world.

Today’s world needs your enlightened wisdom and moral leadership more than ever before. Your tireless endeavors to foster mutual understanding, and champion justice and solidarity are of paramount significance in addressing the complex challenges confronting us.

We are resolved to delve deeper into our understanding of Islam and to steadfastly repudiate the rhetoric of hatred and violence that sows discord and fosters ignorance. Our aspiration is to contribute to building a world where respect, tolerance, justice, and peaceful coexistence are established as fundamental values.

Your commitment to forging bonds and nurturing mutual understanding across cultures, faiths, and peoples serves as an inspiration to us all. We offer our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication, and we entreat the Divine to grant you longevity, that you may continue to champion this noble cause.

We are grateful to you for your sincere and inspiring letter, and we look forward to continuing this fruitful exchange in a spirit of dialogue and constructive collaboration.

Source: https://www.letter4leader.com/en/

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